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Seneste publikationer og rapporter

Eyes on Syria

Eyes on Syria

Eyes on Syria er dokumentation af Syrien før krigen i området. De 150 tankevækkende foto fra Aleppo, Nord-vest Syrien, Crac des Chevaliers, Maaloula og Damaskus, er samlet i denne smukke fotobog, der er som et gammelt familiealbum, man tager frem og genser og...

Water of life

Water of life

This anthology deals with the meaning of water and invites the reader to expand his knowledge of one of the most important issues in the Middle East. Scholars from the natural sciences and the humanities present new research in fifteen articles on the many aspects of...

Tall al-Fukhãr

Tall al-Fukhãr

Results from Excavations in 1990-93 and 2002 En del af serien Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus (9) og fagområdet ArkæologiRecent excavations on the border between Jordan and Syria have uncovered ancient building ruins that provide interesting materials...

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Projekter støttet af DID

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