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Shkārat Msaied 2014: Summary of results

Shkārat Msaied 2014: Summary of results

By Moritz Kinzel, Khaled Hwawra, Pia Nielsen, Anne Mette Harpelund, Jakob Hellum, Mette Thuesen, and Ingolf Thuesen The Neolithic Site of Shkārat Msaied is situated approx. 16 km north of Petra/Wadi Musa in Southern Jordan. Nearby are several other Neolithic sites,...

Mount Nebo: An Archaeological Survey of the Region – Vol. I

Mount Nebo: An Archaeological Survey of the Region – Vol. I

Vol. I. The Palaeolithic and the Neolithic Periods En del af serien Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus (8) og fagområdet ArkæologiDuring six seasons (1992-1998) an intensive survey of the Mount Nebo region was accomplished under the auspices of the...

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